Pyromania 4

Pyromania 4 : Causes: (1) Individual: Individual factors that can lead to pyromania mainly deal with personal issues in someone's life. This category includes adolescents who have committed crimes in the past. For example, 19% of adolescents suffering from pyromania have been charged with vandalism and 18% are non-violent sexual offenders. Other causes may include the seeking of attention from authorities or parents and resolving social issues such as bullying or lack of friends (Frey 2001). Another cause may be that the patient is subconsciously seeking revenge for something that has occurred in the past (Oliver). Individuals with pyromania have also been prominent in having antisocial traits. These include truancy, running away from home and delinquency. Childhood and adolescent individuals are usually associated with ADHD or adjustment disorders. Pyromaniacs have also been associated with abnormal cravings of power and social prestige
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