Road Accident 13

Road Accident 13 : Accident Type: Area: (1) Area Type: (a) Inside Urban Area: Area inside urban area boundary signs (except Britain, Ireland, North Ireland). Includes dual carriageways and national roads. Can include motorways (except Denmark, Britain, Italy). Opinion of the police (Denmark, Sweden). Note: Data approximated from speed limit of 40 mph or less (Britain, Ireland, North Ireland). (b) Outside Urban Area: Area outside urban area boundary signs. Opinion of the police (Denmark, Sweden). Includes motorways. Note: Data approximated from speed limit of over 40 mph (Britain, Ireland, North Ireland). (2) Motorway: Public road with dual carriageways, and at least two lanes each way. Entrance and exit signposted. Road with grade separated interchanges. Road with a central barrier or central reservation. No crossing permitted. No stopping permitted unless in an emergency. Entry prohibited for pedestrians, animals, pedal cycles, mopeds, agricultural vehicles ; learner drivers (Belgium, Britain, Ireland, North Ireland, Portugal). Access restricted to motor vehicles (Austria, Denmark, Finland). Minimum speed between 50 km/h and 80 km/h (except France, Britain, North Ireland). Maximum speed between 100 km/h and 130 km/h (except Denmark recommended 130 km/h). (2.1) Motorway: The public road is a motorway as defined here above. (2.2) No Motorway: The public road is not a motorway as defined here above
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