Road Accident 39

Road Accident 39 :

Vehicle Type: Alongside oldest version of Care's vehicle types, following vehicle type now exists. (1) Agricultural Tractor: Motor vehicle for agricultural use, with wheels or caterpillar tracks, with at least two axles. Driving licence required (Austria, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Britain, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg ; not in France). Maximum speed 30 km/h or 40 km/h. Value included in another value: construction or agricultural machine included in agricultural tractor (Austria, Denmark), agricultural or industrial tractor included in agricultural tractor (Luxembourg). (2) Bus or Coach: Motor vehicle with at least four wheels, used for transporting people. Public or private use. Type Denmark driving licence required (Belgium, Britain, Ireland, North Ireland). Includes bus, more than 8 and 16 seats, minibus, trolley-bus (except Luxembourg), scheduled bus, unscheduled bus, school bus. (3) Car: Motor vehicle with three or four wheels. Used to transport only or mainly people. Seating for no more than 8 passengers. Type Belgium driving licence required. Includes minibus (Britain, North Ireland). Note: Light vehicle used to approximate car (Luxembourg). Value included in another value: car or taxi (IE prior to 1996). (4) Car or Taxi (Not Specified): Includes car, taxi. Motor vehicle with four wheels. Used to transport only or mainly people. Seating for no more than 8 passengers. Type Belgium driving licence required. Includes taxi-bus (Netherlands). (5) Heavy Goods Vehicle: Motor vehicle with at least four wheels, with a permissible gross vehicle weight of over 3.5 tonnes, used only for the transport of goods. With or without a trailer. Type C driving licence required. Includes lorry, over 3.5 tonnes ; road tractor ; road tractor with semi-trailer ; lorry with trailer ; tanker (except Finland). Note: Lorries cannot systematically be categorised as over 3.5 tonnes (D, Italy). (6) Lorry, Under 3, 5 Tonnes: Motor vehicle with a permissible gross vehicle weight of less than 3.5 tonnes, used only for the transport of goods. Type Belgium driving licence required. Note: Lorries cannot systematically be categorised as less than 3.5 tonnes (D, Italy). (7) Lorry, Over 3, 5 Tonnes: Motor vehicle with at least four wheels, with a permissible gross vehicle weight of over 3.5 tonnes, used only for the transport of goods. With or without a trailer. Type C driving licence required. Note: Lorries cannot systematically be categorised as over 3.5 tonnes (Denmark, Italy). (8) Moped: Motor vehicle with two wheels, with an engine size of less than 50 cc. Design speed between 25 km/h and 50 km/h. One or two seats. Minimum age for driver between 14 and 18 (except Italy). No driving licence required (Spain, France, Finland, Britain, Italy, Portugal, Sweden). Unregistered vehicle (Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Sweden). (9) Motor Cycle: Motor vehicle with two or three wheels (not three wheeled in Denmark), with an engine size of more than 50 cc. With a trailer possible (except Denmark). With a sidecar possible. Registered vehicle (except Portugal). Type Austria driving licence required. Includes motor scooter (except France). (10) Other Motor Vehicle: Other vehicle with an engine. Includes ambulance (Denmark, Britain, Ireland, Luxembourg), fire engine (Denmark, Britain, Ireland, Luxembourg). (11) Other Non Motor Vehicle: Other vehicle without an engine. Includes animal or horse drawn vehicle (Denmark, Spain, Finland, Britain, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden), horse with rider (Denmark, Britain, Netherlands, Sweden), train or tram (Denmark, Spain, Finland, Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden). (12) Pedal Cycle: Vehicle with at least two wheels, without engine, moved by pedals or hand cranks. With or without a trailer. With or without passengers. Ridden in the carriageway. Ridden on the pavement (except Denmark, Luxembourg). (13) Pedestrian: Wherever a person's person class has been identified as being pedestrian, its vehicle type is pedestrian. This as opposed to oldest version of Care where a pedestrian didn't have a vehicle type. (14) Road Tractor: Motor vehicle with at least four wheels. Without a semi-trailer. Used for towing semi-trailers. Used for towing other vehicles (except Austria, France). Type Spain or C+Spain driving licence required. onwards, Sweden. (15) Taxi: Motor vehicle with four wheels for public use in the transport of people

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