Social Dialogue 4 (EU)

Social Dialogue 4 (EU) :

Standing Committee on Employment: The task of the Committee is to ensure, in compliance with the Treaties and with due regard for the powers of the institutions and organs of the Communities, that there should be continuous dialogue, joint action and consultation between the Council – or, where appropriate, the Representatives of the Governments of the European Union Member States – the Commission and the social partners in order to facilitate coordination by the Member States of their employment policies in harmony with the objectives of the Community. The Committee shall complete its work before any measures are adopted by the relevant institutions. The work of the Committee shall involve the participation of: the Council or the representatives of the governments of the Member States; and, where appropriate: the Commission; employers’ organizations; Workers’ organizations. There shall be a maximum of 20 representatives of the social partners, divided into two delegations of equal size, i.e. ten workers’ representatives and ten employers’ representatives. The delegations of the social partners shall cover the whole economy, and shall be composed of European organizations representing either general interests or more specific interests of supervisory and professional staff, and small and medium-sized businesses. The Commission shall send the Chairperson of the Committee a list of these organizations on a regular basis. This list must take into account the way in which the two sides of industry are represented at European level. The Committee shall be chaired by a representative of the Member State holding the Presidency of the Council. The Commission prepares and gathers the information that will enable the Committee to do its work. See: Decision 1999/207/EC of 9 March 1999, reforming the Standing Committee on Employment and repealing Decision 70/532/EEC. See: Social dialogue and representativeness of social partners (EU)

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