
Toise :

A traditional French unit of distance comparable to the British fathom. Like the fathom, the toise originally represented the distance between the fingertips of a man with outstretched arms. Introduced by Charlemagne in 790, the toise is such an ancient unit that toiser has become a verb meaning "to measure" or "to size up." The toise equals six pieds (French feet). Feet of different lengths were used in France, but based on the 18th century Paris pied the toise equals 6.395 (English) feet or 1.949 meters. This unit was widely used in the 19th century and hasn't died out entirely today. Note that the French have a second fathom-size unit, the brasse, equal to 5 pieds (about 1.624 meters or 5.328 English feet). The brasse was the unit commonly used at sea, while the toise was used on land

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