Blackout 2

Blackout 2 : (n.) (1-a) Darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft). Syn: Brownout, Dimout. Type of: Dark, Darkness (absence of light or illumination). (1-b) The failure of electric power for a general region. Type of: Power Failure, Power Outage (equipment failure resulting when the supply of power fails). (1-c) A suspension of radio or tv broadcasting. Type of: Break, Intermission, Interruption, Pause, Suspension (a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something). (2-a) A momentary loss of consciousness. Type of: Unconsciousness (a state lacking normal awareness of the self or environment). (2-b) Partial or total loss of memory. Syn: Amnesia, Memory Loss. Seven Types, See: Anterograde Amnesia, Posttraumatic Amnesia; Retrograde Amnesia; Forgetfulness; Selective Amnesia; Transient Global Amnesia; Senior Moment; Posthypnotic Amnesia; Selective amnesia after being in a hypnotic state of events occurring during hypnosis or of information designated by the hypnotist. Type of: Cognitive State, State of Mind (the state of a person's cognitive processes)
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