Cyber Storm

Cyber Storm :

A National Cyber Exercise (NCE): "...the first government-led, full-scale cyber security exercise of its kind [February 6-10, 2006]..... Cyber Storm was designed to test communications, policies and procedures in response to various cyber attacks and to identify where further planning and process improvements are needed. Activities included: (1) Exercising interagency coordination through the activation of the National Cyber Response Coordination Group (NCRCG) and the Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG) (2) Exercising inter-governmental and intra-governmental coordination and incident response (3) Identifying policies and issues that either hinder or support cyber security requirements (4) Identifying public and private information sharing mechanisms to address communications challenges (5) Identifying the interdependence of cyber and physical infrastructures (6) Raising awareness of the economic and national security impacts associated with a significant cyber incident (7) Highlighting available tools and technologies for cyber incident response and recovery". (DHS, Cyber Storm Exercise Fact Sheet, September 13, 2006)

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