Dual-Use (1971)

Dual-Use (1971) :

"There is... a growing awareness that communities prepared to meet the effects of attack are better prepared to deal with peacetime hazards and disasters. The nationwide civil defense system-involving federal, state, and local governments-affords an everincreasing capability for protecting the citizen from environmental hazards and from natural as well as man-made disasters. "During fiscal year 1971, increased emphasis was placed on finding ways and means to increase civil defense capabilities through the dual use of people, equipment, and dollars to meet critical peacetime community needs. Communications, education, and training for emergencies were stressed, and exchange of information on lifesaving emergency operations was encouraged..... Dual use is encouraged by OCD [Office of Civil Defense, DOA]" (DOA Center of Military History, Department of the Army Historical Summary: FY 1971 (Chapter II, Operational Forces, Section "Civil Defense"), 1973, pp. 19-21)

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