Equal-Loudness Contour

Equal-Loudness Contour :

Equal-loudness contour is a measure of sound pressure (dB SPL), over the frequency spectrum, for which a listener perceives a constant loudness when presented with pure steady tones. The unit of measurement for loudness levels is the phon, and is arrived at by reference to equal-loudness contours. By definition two sine waves, of differing frequencies, are said to have equal-loudness level measured in phons if they are perceived as equally loud by the average young person without significant hearing impairment. Equal-loudness contours are often referred to as "Fletcher-Munson" curves, after the earliest researchers, but those studies have been superseded and incorporated into newer standards. The definitive curves are those defined in the international standard ISO 226:2003 which are based on a review of several modern determinations made in various countries. An OSH glossary used in safety and health at work which is, adopted by ILO

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