Job/Labour Flexibility

Job/Labour Flexibility :

This is a multidimensional concept, which seeks to collectively define those management practices employed in adapting labour to the workplace against a constantly changing economic scenario of "stabilization and structural adjustment programmes" and ‘global competition’. Economists and labour market analysts have identified the following four dimensions to this concept: Functional Labour Flexibility — measures to ensure that employees can be deployed quickly and smoothly between activities and tasks, from department to department, and from one geographic location to another. Also called technical- organizational flexibility, this is usually a consequence of such changes and developments as multi-skilling, job rotation, retraining, upgrading and multi-tasking. Numerical Labour Flexibility — measures which would allow for a quick and easy increase or decrease in the number of employees, in line with short term changes in the level of demand for labour. This ushers in the notion of temporary workers, contract workers and home workers. Financial Labour Flexibility — a system, where pay and other payroll costs reflect the state of demand and supply for labour, developing into a remuneration system that facilitates functional or numerical labour flexibility. This system would include such wage fixing mechanisms as performance- based payment schemes, and incentive bonuses. Working Time Flexibility — adapting work schedules, and restructuring working time, to accommodate changing conditions such as flexitime, overtime staggered work and split shifts

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