MRL Exceedances and the Relationship With the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI)

MRL Exceedances and the Relationship With the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) :

Before permitting any use of a pesticide, a detailed assessment is made to ensure that residues in foods derived from commodities comply with MRLs and will not give rise to unacceptable risks to consumers. MRLs do take account of consumer safety aspects and, in effect, are set at levels below safety limits. However, MRLs must not be confused with safety limits, which are expressed in terms of the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of a particular pesticide residue from all sources. The ADI (expressed as mg/kg bw/day) is the amount of chemical that can be consumed every day of an individual's entire lifetime in the practical certainty, on the basis of all known facts, that no harm will result. See: ADI for further information. Whenever unexpectedly high or unusual residues occur during monitoring, the risk to consumers, from exposure to residues at the highest levels found, is assessed by comparison of predicted intakes with theADI or ARfD as appropriate 

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