Photographic Evidence

Photographic Evidence :

Photographs taken at the scene of a wildfire, either during or post-fire. They may be taken by witnesses, first responders and/or fire investigators. There are four key different types of photographs typically taken by fire investigators: (1) Orientation photographs photographs taken at a distance to show the overall view of a fire, the area of origin or other important areas of the scene. (2) Relationship photographs photographs taken at a medium range to show moderately detailed views of particular areas of the scene and to illustrate the relationship between various areas, indicators or pieces of evidence. (3) Identification photographs photographs taken close-up and at short range. They are taken to show a high level of detail for specific items of evidence or indicators. (4) Examination photographs - photographs taken close-up and at short range with a scale. Their purpose is to clearly establish the size of a piece of evidence

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