Principles for Domestic Emergencies (NSDD 47, 1982)

Principles for Domestic Emergencies (NSDD 47, 1982) :

"Emergency mobilization preparedness programs for domestic emergencies will be based on the following principles: (1) Preparedness measures must reflect the Constitutional roles of the Federal, State and local governments. In peacetime, principal responsibility for preparing for, and responding to, domestic emergencies rests with State and local governments. (2) Primary emphasis should be placed on natural disasters or other domestic emergencies of a catastrophic nature that cannot be managed effectively without substantial Federal presence; or, arise within spheres of activity in which there is an established Federal preeminence. (3) Federal preparedness measures should assist State and local jurisdictions in increasing their capabilities to meet their responsibilities. (4) Domestic preparedness programs should be developed in close coordination with the private sector. (5) Preparedness measures for allocation of resources during domestic emergencies should rely on market-based mechanisms. (6) Economic stabilization preparedness measures should provide mechanisms that do not rely on the imposition of direct economic controls. (7) Preparedness measures for domestic emergencies should facilitate responses which may be necessary for only temporary and selective departures from established public policies. Equally, such measures should aim for the prompt restoration of routine policies and programs". (White House, NSDD 47, 1982, p. 4)

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