Rock Wool

Rock Wool :

Mineral wool, mineral fibres, or man-made mineral fibres are fibres made from natural or synthetic minerals. The term "man-made mineral fibres" is generally used to refer solely to synthetic materials including fibreglass, ceramic fibres and stone wool. Industrial applications of mineral wool include thermal insulation (as both structural insulation and pipe insulation), filtration, soundproofing, and germination of seedlings. Though the individual fibers conduct heat very well, when pressed into rolls and sheets, their ability to partition air makes them excellent heat insulators and sound absorbers. Though not immune to the effects of a sufficiently hot fire, the fire resistance of fiberglass, stone wool and ceramic fibers makes them common building materials when passive fire protection is required, being used as spray fireproofing, in stud cavities in drywall assemblies and as packing materials infirestops. Mineral wools are unattractive to rodents, but will provide a structure forbacterial growth if allowed to become wet. Other uses are in resin bonded panels, as a growth medium in hydroponics, as filler in compounds for gaskets, in brake pads, in plastics in the automotive industry and as a filtering medium. Mineral fibers are produced in the same way, without binder. The fiber as such is used as a raw material for its reinforcing purposes in various applications, such as friction materials, gaskets, plastics and coatings 

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