Root Cause 4

Root Cause 4 : The determination of the causal factors preceding structures, systems, and components (SSC) failure or malfunction - that is, discovery of the principal reason why the failure or malfunction happened leads to the identification of the root cause. The preceding failure or malfunction causal factors are always events or conditions that are necessary and sufficient to produce or contribute to the unwanted results (failure or malfunction). The types of causal factors are: (1) direct causes, (2) contributing causes, and (3) root causes. The direct cause is the immediate event or condition that caused the failure or malfunction. Contributing causes are conditions or events that collectively increase the likelihood of the failure or malfunction, but that individually do not cause them. Thus, root causes are events or conditions that, if corrected or eliminated, would prevent the recurrence of the failure or malfunction by identifying and correcting faults (often hidden) before an SSC fails or malfunctions
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