RSS 02 (Really Simple Syndication)

RSS 02 (Really Simple Syndication) :

(ICT) RSS is a development in Internet technology that enables users to subscribe to websites that change or add content regularly, for example news sites (such as the BBC) and sites containing Blogs, Nings, Podcasts and Wikis. RSS makes use of software that presents new additions to a website as list of subject headings or the first line or two of a news item, with a clickable link to the full article, blog posting or podcast. Thus, instead of the user having to browse websites for new information in which s/he is interested, an update of what is available is made available directly to the user, an RSS feed or news feed.An application known as an aggregator or feed reader (e.g. Google Reader) can check RSS-enabled websites and display any updated information that it finds. See Section 12.5, Module 1.5 and Section 3.5.4, Module 2.3 for further information

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