Social Policy 2

Social Policy 2 :

In the context of the European Communities (EC), social policy has a much narrower ambit than is usually implied by the phrase: it refers specifically to employment matters, and that part of social policy relating to employer worker relations. During the first decade of the three European Communities existence, social policy had a very low profile and priority. It became much more important with the arrival of mass unemployment in the 1970s, and the EC adopted a Social Action Programme in 1974. From 1983, social policy had two priority areas: the training and employment of people aged 25 or under; and the provision of training and employment in the most economically disadvantaged regions of the EC. Social policy is administered by the European Commission through the European Social Fund (ESF). As a result of changes introduced by the Treaty of Amsterdam, which came into force in 1999, all social policy measures can be adopted on the basis of a new Chapter within the Treaty. This has effectively created a new legal base for equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women at work. Following the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2000) was drawn up. It restates many of the principles and goals underpinning social policy, including the aim of combating social exclusion. See: Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; European Social Fund (ESF); Incorporation of the Social Policy Agreement; Social Policy Agreement

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