Social Security 1 (and Free Movement of Workers)

Social Security 1 (and Free Movement of Workers) : If guarantees of the right of residence and the right to employment are to be effective, the beneficiaries must enjoy adequate social welfare provision if they move within the European Community (EC). Community-level coordination of social security schemes has been provided for under EC Regulations Nos. 1408/71 and 574/72, which guarantee employed workers, self-employed workers and students the same treatment in the field of social security as nationals of the host European Union Member State. These Regulations involve maintenance of acquired rights in all Member States, as well as the right to combine periods of social contributions and periods of pension contributions for the purpose of obtaining social benefits. Regulation No. 1408/71 is one of the cornerstones of health care. However, over the years this Regulation has undergone profound changes. With a view to simplifying and clarifying the rules governing the coordination of social security systems, the Commission has presented a proposal for a Council Regulation to bring the Regulation into line with developments in national legislation and the interpretations of the Court of Justice. From now on the proposal provides for the extension of the provisions to all persons covered by the social security legislation of a Member State, and not only workers. See: Equality of treatment (social security); Maintenance of social security rights; Social security (minimum standards)
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