Special Constable 11

Special Constable 11 :

(6.3) Scotland: Special Constables in Scotland are defined as "Members of a Police Force" under terms of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967. As such, they have identical powers to regular members of a police force, both on and off duty, and are non-contributing members of the Scottish Police Federation, which is the staff association established by statute for police officers in Scotland from the rank of Constable up to, and including, that of chief inspector, because police officers are forbidden by law to be members of a trade union. Discipline and Efficiency regulations differ from members of the regular Force, and amendments to these are currently under review by the Scottish Government. Special Constables receive some travel expenses and allowances from the police service, plus a £1500 "recognition award" for all officers completing the required 180 hours of service every year. There is a half year award scheme which offers £500 at the end of the financial year if you reach 90 hours; this is mainly to the benefit of Special Constables sworn in half way through the financial year and Special Constables who were sworn in after the start of the 180 hour recognition award scheme cannot opt for the 180 hour scheme. Their work is otherwise voluntary and unpaid. Most Scottish Special Constables work alongside regular Constables, and their uniform is identical other than a distinct letter/number series on the officer's shoulder number. Administration and management of Special Constables is generally carried out by regular supervisors. Special Constables do not have a separate administrative/rank/grade structure. Special Constables in Scotland can and are deployed to a wide range of police duties over and above standard "beat duties". These include Roads Policing, Public Order, Specialist Response, Wildlife Crime and Community Support. Their primary focus, however, remains to provide a highly visible police presence, and a link with local communities across Scotland

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