Sustainable Planner

Sustainable Planner :

"The Sustainability Planner acts as a catalyst for sustainability and promotes a sustainable redevelopment component into the overall reconstruction effort. The Sustainability Planner evaluates opportunities for implementing sustainable redevelopment, presents these findings, and helps to build consensus on the appropriate level of effort to be pursued by FEMA, other Federal agencies (OFAs), state and local agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) ... The goal of the sustainability initiative is to reduce the potential for disaster losses and to help communities realize opportunities to implement sustainable redevelopment during the recovery process. Although the goals and responsibilities of the Sustainability Planner are in many ways similar to FEMA's overall hazard mitigation goal, it is necessary to draw some distinctions. The Sustainability Planner focuses on developing comprehensive, long-term planning solutions and identifying opportunities to incorporate sustainable and livable community objectives. The mitigation specialist focuses on specific structural or nonstructural mitigation measures, such as buy-out or elevation of structures, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) compliance, building code enforcement, flood protection measures, and seismic and wind retrofit. The Sustainability Planner is more involved with comprehensive plans, zoning and subdivision regulations, and watershed and basin planning initiatives. The Sustainability Planner and the mitigation specialist are partners in building more disaster-resistant and sustainable communities, and their respective areas of emphasis complement each other". (FEMA, Rebuilding for A More Sustainable Future: An Operational

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