Target Organ Effects 4

Target Organ Effects 4 : Under the U. S. OSHA HAZCOM Standard, chemicals are identified as having target organ effects if there is statistically significant evidence of an acute or chronic health effect determined in a scientifically valid study. The following agents would be included (note, the list is not all-inclusive): hepatotoxins, agents which damage the lungs (including irritants), agents which act on the hematopoietic system, neurotoxins, nephrotoxins, reproductive toxins (mutagens, embryotoxins, teratogens and reproductive toxins), cutaneous hazards (chemicals which affect the dermal layer of the skin) and eye hazards (chemicals which affect the eye or visual capacity). There are no maximum dose criteria for chronic toxicity studies, as specified in the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations. The Controlled Products Regulations are part of the national Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
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