Average Life Expectancy

Average Life Expectancy : Biology. [expectation of life] The average number of years an individual is expected to live if current mortality trends continue to apply. A statistical abstraction based on existing, age_specific death rates. Life expectancy at birth (0): Average number of years a newborn baby can be expected to live if current mortality trends continue. Corresponds to the total number of years a given birth cohort can be expected to live, divided by the number of children in the cohort. Life expectancy at birth is partly dependent on mortality in the first year of life and is lower in poor than in rich countries because of the higher infant mortality rates in the former. Life expectancy at a given age, age x (x): The average number of additional years a person age x would live if current mortality trends continue to apply, based on the age_specific death rates for a given year. Life expectancy is a hypothetical measure and indicator of current health and mortality conditions. It is not a rate. [Last, 1983: A Dictionary of Epidemiology]
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