
Toth : A method proposed for making aluminum metal from clay. The dried clay, mixed with coke, is chlorinated to yield aluminum trichloride and silicon tetrachloride. The volatile chlorides are separated by distillation and the aluminum chloride then reduced with manganese metal: AlxSiyOz+ (3x + 4y)/2 Cl2 + z/2 C + xAlCl3 + ySiCl4 + z/2 CO2 and 2AlCl3 + 3Mn + 2Al + 3MnCl2. The manganese chloride is then reduced with hydrogen: MnCl2 + H2 + Mn + 2HCl and the manganese metal re-used. In another version, the manganese chloride is oxidized in oxygen to manganese oxide, which is then reduced to the metal using carbon. (Check source for accuracy of chemical formula)
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