Background 5

Background 5 : The dose or dose rate (or an observed measure related to the dose or dose rate), attributable to all sources other than the one(s) specified. Strictly, this applies to measurements of dose rate or count rate from a sample, where the background dose rate or count rate must be subtracted from all measurements. However, background is used more generally, in any situation in which a particular source (or group of sources) is under consideration, to refer to the effects of other sources. It is also applied to quantities other than doses or dose rates, such as activity concentrations in environmental media. Natural Background: The doses, dose rates or activity concentrations associated with natural sources or any other sources in the environment that are not amenable to control. This is normally considered to include doses, dose rates or activity concentrations associated with natural sources, global fallout (but not local fallout) from atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and the Chernobyl accident
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