UTM Projection

UTM Projection :

The isogonal (conform) Transversal Mercator Projection, drafted by the mathematician Gauss. A cylinder is orthographically (transversally) imposed on the earth. Its circumference is smaller as the earth’s circumference along the meridian (cutting cylinder). By this method the earth shares 60 stripes with each having a width of 6 degrees. An orthogonally coordinate system is laid on these zones, whose absciss corresponds to the middle meridian (northing) and whose ordinate corresponds to the equator (easting). To avoid negative values positions north of the equator are determined starting from the origin at “false easting” of 500, 000 and “false northing” of 0. Positions south of the equator are determined starting from the origin at “false easting” of 500, 000 and “false northing” of 10, 000, 000. The UTM system is the base of a global coordinate system with an extension of 80° North to 80° South and originally developed for military applications. Pole areas are projected by a universal polar stereographical projection (UPS)

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