Wind Farm 1

Wind Farm 1 :

A wind farm or wind park is a grouping of wind turbines in an area. Wind farms are placed in areas of consistent and less turbulent airflow. They may be land based (on shore) or out at sea (off shore), either on platforms or on pillars coming from the sea bed. Turbines in a wind farm are interconnected through a medium-voltage system, at 34.5 kvolts. The medium voltage is then increased at a substation by using a transformer in order to send the power to its destination, typically the power grid. The reason even the medium voltage is so high is to minimize power loss over distances of wire. The largest on-shore wind farms are those of China, at over 5000 megawatts and the U.S. at over 1000 megawatts. Among the countries of Europe, there are 36 offshore wind farms, producing nearly 2400 megawatts of clean electricity

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