Awkward Posture 5

Awkward Posture 5 : Posture describes the position of the body while performing work activities. Awkward posture is associated with an increased risk for injury. It is generally considered that the more a joint deviates from the neutral (natural) position, the greater the risk of injury. Certain awkward postures used while performing activities have been associated with increased risk of injury. For Example: Wrist Flexion or Extension (bent forward or back); Wrist Ulnar or Radial Deviation- the wrist angled towards the small finger or towards the thumb; Shoulder Abduction or Flexion- the upper arm positioned out to the side or above shoulder level); Hands at or above Shoulder Height; Slouched Posture, Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head Position; Neck (cervical spine) Flexion or Extension - the chin is bent towards the chest or angled up past parallel with the floor; Neck Side bending - the neck tilted with an ear towards the shoulder as when holding a telephone receiver between the ear and shoulder; Low back Bending or Twisting
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