Business Continuity Management (BCM) Components

Business Continuity Management (BCM) Components : "The Key Components of the BCM are: (1) Management Support - Management must show support to properly prepare, maintain, and practice a business continuity plan (BCP) by assigning adequate resources, people, and budgeted funds. (2) Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation - Potential risks due to threats such as fire, flood, etc., must be identified, and the probability and potential impact to the business must be determined. This must be done at the site and division level to ensure the risks (3) of all credible events are understood and appropriately managed. (4) Business Impact Analysis (BIA): The BIA is used to identify business processes that are integral to keeping the business unit functioning in a disaster and to determine how soon these integral processes should be recovered following a disaster. (5) Business Recovery and Continuity Strategy: This strategy addresses the actual steps, people, and resources required to recover a critical business process. (6) Awareness and Training - Education and awareness of the BCM program and BC plans are critical to the execution of the plan. (7) Exercises: Employees should participate in regularly scheduled practice drills of the BCM program and BC plans. (8) Maintenance: The BCM capabilities and documentation must be maintained to ensure that they remain effective and aligned with business priorities". (IIA, Business Continuity Management, July, 2008, p. 3)
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