Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Factors

Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Factors : "Some of the factors that must be evaluated to better understand the scope and impact of the potential event include the: (1) Geographic extent of the impact: A single building (e.g., fire), entire facility complex (e.g., chemical spill), metropolitan area (e.g., transportation strike), large region (e.g., earthquake), or potentially the world (e.g., pandemic flu). (2) Days of impact: Number of days before operations will likely return to 75 percent functionality, which means 75 percent of people, resources, and production are functioning. Days of impact may be the period before the organization can replace lost resources, like renting a new building and making it functional after a building fire. (3) Availability of staff (by days): Percentage of staff that likely would be able to work based on each likely disaster event (by days: 0, 3, 7, 14, or 30). Staff may need to go home for an extended period for some disasters like earthquakes that may damage homes. (4) Availability of operations and/or offices: Likely percentage of operations and/or office space that is functional (during the days of impact). (5) Availability of IT (during the days of impact): Likely availability of key IT components for each disaster event. This includes IT infrastructure (logon capabilities), IT network, IT applications, etc". (IIA, Business Continuity Management, 2008, p. 9)
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