Collaboration Challenges

Collaboration Challenges : There are five core challenges to sustaining collaborative efforts. (1) The first is decision rights. Collaboration is not one entity barking out orders to other organizations. These entities must share risk, rewards, and responsibilities for collaboration to work. (2) The second is trust. When trust is present, collaboration will flourish and resources will be shared. In its absence, the actors will start to withdraw and not collaborate. (3) The third is that collaboration necessarily involves the sharing of information across traditional boundaries and jurisdictions. While not all information needs to be shared, that information shared must be transparent and have high fidelity. (4) The fourth is visible and committed leadership. Our article argues that Governor Bush was able to build a megacommunity only by surrendering some of his perceived and real authority -- he was willing to sacrifice some of his authority to create a true partnership. (5) The fifth is the rewards system. Today, our budgetary and human capital systems often dis-incentive transparent, collaborative practices, instead continuing rewards systems that favor closed competitive behaviors". (Krill and Sulek, The Megacommunity: A Group Discussion on Cross-Sector Collaboration for Preparedness. EIIP Virtual Forum Presentation, 27 Feb 2008)
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