Complementarity of Safety and Security

Complementarity of Safety and Security : There is not an exact distinction between the general terms safety and security. In general, security is concerned with malicious or negligent actions by humans that could cause or threaten harm to other humans; safety is concerned with the broader issue of harm to humans (or the environment) from radiation, whatever the cause. The precise interaction between security and safety depends on the context. 'Safety and security synergies' concern, for example: the regulatory infrastructure; engineering provisions in the design and construction of nuclear installations and other facilities; controls on access to nuclear installations and other facilities; the categorization of radioactive sources; source design; the security of the management of radioactive sources and radioactive material; the recovery of orphan sources; emergency response plans; and radioactive waste management. Safety matters are intrinsic to activities, and transparent and probabilistic safety analysis is used. Security matters concern malicious actions and are confidential, and threat based judgment is used
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