Department of Homeland Security, Office of Infrastructure Protection (OIP)

Department of Homeland Security, Office of Infrastructure Protection (OIP) : "The Office of Infrastructure Protection (OIP) leads the coordinated national effort to reduce risk to our critical infrastructures and key resources (CI/KR) posed by acts of terrorism. In doing so, the Department increases the nation's level of preparedness and the ability to respond and quickly recover in the event of an attack, natural disaster, or other emergency. The Office of Infrastructure Protection facilitates the identification, prioritization, coordination, and protection of CI/KR in support of federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments, as well as the private sector and international entities. By ensuring the sharing of information with our security partners, the Office of Infrastructure Protection communicates threats, vulnerabilities, incidents, potential protective measures, and best practices that enhance protection, response, mitigation, and restoration activities across the nation and the international community. The Office of Infrastructure Protection uses the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, and mechanisms for enhancing CI/KR-related protective and response capabilities under the National Response Plan, to provide operational support to government and private entities in response to significant threats and incidents. Through the Office of Infrastructure Protection's vulnerability assessment process, the organization communicates standards to the infrastructure owners/operators and key stakeholders and ensures the maintenance of a CI/KR sector governance and information-sharing framework". (DHS, Office of Infrastructure Protection, December 6, 2007 Update
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