Devolution Planning

Devolution Planning : "Devolution planning supports overall continuity of operations planning and addresses catastrophes and other all-hazards emergencies that render an agency's leadership and key staff unavailable to or incapable of performing its essential functions from either the agency's primary or alternate facilities. Devolution planning also addresses notice and no notice events. A continuity of operations plan's devolution option should be developed so that it addresses how an agency will identify and transfer its essential functions and/or leadership authorities away from the primary facility or facilities, and to a location that offers a safe and secure environment in which essential functions can continue to be performed. The devolution option may be used when the agency's alternate facility is not available or the option can be activated as a continuity measure. At a minimum a devolution plan will (1) Include the following elements of a viable continuity of operations capability: program plans and procedures, budgeting and acquisitions, essential functions, orders of succession, delegations of authority, interoperable communications, vital-records management, staff, test, training, and exercise (TT&E), and reconstitution (2) Identify prioritized essential functions for devolution, define tasks that support those essential functions, and determine the necessary resources to facilitate those functions' immediate and seamless transfer to the devolution site (3) Include a roster that identifies fully equipped and trained personnel who will be stationed at the designated devolution site and who will have the authority to perform essential functions and activities when the devolution option of the continuity of operations plan is activated (4) Identify what would likely activate or "trigger" the devolution option (5) Specify how and when direction and control of agency operations will be transferred to and from the devolution site (6) List the necessary resources (i.e., equipment and materials) to facilitate the performance of essential functions at the devolution site (7) Establish and maintain reliable processes and procedures for acquiring the resources necessary to continue essential functions and to sustain those operations for extended periods (8) Establish and maintain a capability to restore or reconstitute agency authorities to their pre-event status upon termination of devolution". (DHS, FCD 1, Nov. 2007, p. L-1)
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