Disaster Category Classification 5

Disaster Category Classification 5 : Conclusion/Recommendations: The harmonizing of the disaster category classification between two of the most important global disaster databases - NatCatSERVICE and EM-DAT - as well as the definition of common standards is an important contribution to the improvement of quality and reliability of the international disaster databases. Both disaster classification and definition of common standards serve the international community, users and developers of databases at national or sub-national levels to have a better understanding of the management of disaster data. It demonstrates the importance to develop the capacity of information exchange, integration and comparability between disaster databases. CRED and Munich RE are aware of the limitations of and/or differences in concepts which may occur. This classification of perils does not claim to be exhaustive or to fit into each database specification. However, it is a valuable tool which facilitates the exchange and comparison of disaster events and their impacts and also allows interoperability between disaster databases
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