Elevator 71

Elevator 71 : Unique Elevator Installations - World Statistics: Country: Italy, Number of elevators installed: 900,000; Country: United States, Number of elevators installed: 700,000; Country: People's Republic of China, Number of elevators installed: 610,000. As of January 2008, Italy is the nation with the most elevators installed in the world, with 850,000 elevators installed that run more than one hundred million lifts every day, followed by United States with 700,000 elevators installed and People's Republic of China with 610,000 elevators installed since 1949. In Brazil, it is estimated that there are approximately 300,000 elevators currently in operation. The world's largest market for elevators is Italy with more than 1,629 million euros of sales and 1,224 million euros of internal market
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