Fire Propagation Test 2

Fire Propagation Test 2 : An assessment of the rate of heat release from a combustible material which is subjected to specific heating conditions. The results from different materials can be tabulated to form the fire propagation index. The apparatus is calibrated by testing with asbestos board. Test specimens (225 mm X 225 mm) are inserted in the holder and form one side of a non-combustible enclosure which is heated. The temperature rise of the flue gases (which pass through a chimney at the top) is recorded throughout the 20 min. test. Readings are taken at frequent intervals - 1/2 min. intervals for the first 3 minutes, Sub-index i1; 1 min. intervals for 4 - 10 mins, Sub-index i2; and 2 min. intervals for 12 - 20 mins, Sub-index i3. The results are compared to the calibration curve. i1 gives an indication of the ignitability and flammability of a material and the sum total of the sub-indices indicates the heat contribution a material will make to a fire. A separate ignitability test should be carried out. Materials with an index performance I (i1 + i2 + i3) not exceeding 12 and sub-index i1 not exceeding 6, e. g. steel sheet, asbestos board, plasterboard, fit into Class 0 (Building Regulations 1972) materials providing the material is suitable in other respects
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