Fire Protection 01

Fire Protection 01 : (1) (Fire Pr) The theory and practice of reducing life and property loss by fire, fire extinguishment, fire control, and fire prevention. Narrowly, the field concerned with the detection and extinguishment of fires. See: Fire Prevention. Note: Fire protection is provided by proper building design, by installing appropriate detection and extinguishing systems in buildings, by establishing adequate fireflighting services, and by training building occupants in fire safety and evacuation procedures. Two types of fire protection are distinguished: active and passive. Active fire protection is represented by sprinklers and other automatic fire sup-pression systems. Passive is represented by fire walls, fire and flame retardant treatments, and the like. (2) (Fire Pr) Materials, devices, fire apparatus, and other equipment used to prevent fire or to minimize loss of life or property resulting from fire. (3) (Insur) Insurance against fire loss
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