Intensity 16

Intensity 16 : A numerical index denoted by Roman numerals from I to XII describing the physical effects of an earthquake at a specific location on the earth's surface, man, or on structures built by man. These values are determined subjectively by individuals performing postearthquake investigations to determine the nature and spatial extent of the damage distribution. There are no instrumental readings. The most commonly used scales throughout the world are Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI), developed in the 1930's and named for the Italian author, and the MSK scale, developed in the 1960's and denoted by the first initial of the last name of two scientists of the former Soviet Union and one scientist of the former Czechoslavakia who created the scale. Intensity VI denotes the threshold for potential ground failure such as liquefaction. Intensity VII denotes the threshold for architectural damage. Intensity VIII denotes the threshold for structural damage. Intensity IX denotes intense structural damage. Intensities X to XII denote various levels of destruction up to total destruction. The MMI and MSK scales are essentially equivalent for intensities VII to X. An earthquake has many intensities, but only one magnitude. See: Magnitude
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