International Association of Fire Fighters 8

International Association of Fire Fighters 8 : IAFF Fire Fighters Interested In Registration and Education Political Action Committee: FIREPAC (Fire Fighters Interested in Registration and Education Political Action Committee) is the federally registered political action committee of the IAFF. FIREPAC was established in 1978 and has grown into the top one percent of all federally registered PACs. During the 2009 - 2010 election cycle FIREPAC raised $5. 3 million dollars and was the tenth largest PAC in terms of donations to federal candidates. Within organized labor, FIREPAC has been the most bi-partisan PAC during the last decade, contributing a larger percent of its donations to Republican candidates than any other union. The IAFF follows a simple philosophy when it supporting candidates - they support those who support them, regardless of party affiliation or one's political leanings. IAFF Political Training Academy: The IAFF hosts an annual Political Training Academy (PTA) for any member who either aspires to run for public elective office, serve as their local's political director or become a campaign activists. The PTA is a week-long program that is taught by nationally recognized campaign operatives who cover all aspects of a political campaign. During the past sixteen years the PTA has trained nearly 800 members. Today, throughout the United States and Canada the IAFF has nearly 350 members or family members who hold public elective office at all levels of federal, state and local office. From a Member of Parliament in Canada, to numerous state legislators, county and municipal officers in both the United States and Canada, the IAFF has been successful in helping to elect many of its own to office
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