Rescue and Recovery Effort After the September 11, 2001 Attacks 12

Rescue and Recovery Effort After the September 11, 2001 Attacks 12 : Recovery efforts: (1) Organization: New York City Office of Emergency Management was the agency responsible for coordination of the City's response to the attacks. Headed by then-DirectorRichard Sheirer, the agency was forced to vacate its headquarters, located in 7 World Trade Center, within hours of the attack. The building later collapsed due to fire. OEM reestablished operations temporarily at the police academy, where Mayor Giuliani gave many press conferences throughout the afternoon and evening of September 11. By Friday, rescue and reliefs were organized and administered from Pier 92 on the Hudson River. Volunteers quickly descended on Ground Zero to help in the rescue and recovery efforts. At Jacob Javits Convention Center, thousands showed up to offer help, where they registered with authorities. Construction projects around the city came to a halt, as workers walked off the jobs to help at Ground Zero. Ironworkers, welders, steel burners, and others with such skills were in high demand. By the end of the first week, over one thousand ironworkers from across North America had arrived to help, along with countless others. The New York City Department of Design & Construction oversaw the recovery efforts
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