Response Doctrine

Response Doctrine : "Our national response doctrine defines basic roles, responsibilities and operational concepts for incident response across all levels of government and with the private sector. The overarching objective of response activities centers upon saving lives and protecting property. Five elemental principles of operations animate incident response actions in support of the nation's response mission. Taken together, these five principles of operation constitute national response doctrine. Our response doctrine is rooted in America's federal system and our Constitution's division of responsibilities between Federal and State governments. Because this doctrine reflects the history of emergency management and the distilled wisdom of first responders and leaders at all levels, it gives elemental form to the Framework. But our response doctrine "evolves in response to changes in the political and strategic landscape, lessons learned from operations, and the introduction of new technologies. Doctrine influences the way in which policy and plans are developed, forces are organized and trained, and equipment is procured. It promotes unity of purpose, guides professional judgment and enables [first responders] to fulfill their responsibilities". 115 (DHS, NRF Draft, Sep 2007, p. 8)
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