CBRN Safety 061

CBRN Safety 061 : Chapter I - Overview: (5) General Planning Considerations for CBRN Response: (C) Operational Planning Considerations for a Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear Response: (5) Populace Care Planning: During a CBRN catastrophic incident, large numbers of people may be left temporarily or permanently homeless and may require prolonged temporary housing. The JFC may be requested to support short-term mass care in meeting basic human needs of food, water, shelter, hygiene, and medical care. DOD may also be requested to provide cots and tents or assist with construction of temporary shelters. Key to planning populace care is determining the transition of responsibilities from DOD to civilian authorities in the event that temporary shelters and camps become more permanent. DOD forces will ensure attention to property accountability so that transfers/disposals are properly documented for eventual reimbursement when it is authorized. (6) Decontamination Planning: Tasks may include decontamination of civilian and military personnel as well as civilian and military equipment and critical infrastructure. Additionally, contamination mitigation of remains is a viable mission. Local hospital decontamination tasks are also required. Contaminated waste disposal is a key requirement, and important in the context of interagency coordination. A DOD medical/health representative, with appropriate technical expertise, should be made available to civilian authorities to provide health-based recommendations concerning worker health and safety as well as environmental cleanup aspects related to military unique hazards (such as CW agents). If expertise is not available within the AOR, there are a number of technical reach back agencies/capabilities that can be contacted (such as the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense) and US Army Public Health Command to assist the JFC
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