Kilogram (kg) 1

Kilogram (kg) 1 :

The base unit of mass in the SI and MKS versions of the metric system. The kilogram was originally defined to be the mass of one cubic decimeter of pure water, but to provide precise standards it was necessary to construct physical objects of specified mass. Therefore, the kilogram is defined as the mass of the standard kilogram, a platinum-iridium cylinder in the custody of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) near Paris, France. Copies of this bar are kept by the standards agencies of all the major industrial nations, including the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). BIPM supports efforts to redefine the kilogram in a way that does not refer to a specific object, and this may become possible in the near future. One kilogram equals exactly 1000 grams, or about 2.204 622 6 pounds 

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