Adaptation To Work 2

Adaptation To Work 2 : Term used to refer to measures for adapting work to the needs of the individual employee. The 1977 Work Environment Act makes employers responsible for the adaptation of work and rehabilitation, the intention being to ensure that people do not suffer ill health or accidents as a result of their work. The adaptation of work envisages tailoring the work situation to any special needs or abilities the individual employee may have, while rehabilitation is a broader concept aimed at getting an employee back into working life. Regulations on the matter (See: Non-Statutory Regulation) were issued by the Occupational Health and Safety Board in 1994. The requirements involved in the adaptation of work differ from case to case, depending on the individual employee's needs. It must be based on an overall perspective encompassing technical, medical, organizational, psychological and social considerations, ranging from the provision of technical aids or equipment to changes in work organization possibly relating to the tasks performed, the distribution of work, methods of working, working hours and the social and psychological aspects of the work environment. The obligation imposed on employers is far-reaching. Disputes as to its extent may be decided by the Work Environment Agency. Assessments are also made by the courts, particularly the Labour Court, especially in disputes over the existence of just cause for dismissal. An OSH glossary used in safety and health at work which is, adopted by ILO
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