Earthquake Hazard 1

Earthquake Hazard 1 : Any physical phenomena associated with an earthquake (e.g., ground motion, ground failure, liquefaction, and tsunami) and their effects on land use, man-made structure and socio- economic systems that have the potential to produce a loss. More correct and less ambiguous is the probabilistic definition now generally accepted and used in the hazard community: Earthquake hazard H is the probability of occurrence of an event with a specified type and level of ground shaking and thus disaster potential within a defined area and interval of time. This definition does not relate to specific effects and loss potential (see earthquake risk). They come into play only when H is convolved with the exposure to earthquake hazard E and the vulnerability V of the objects and persons exposed H. See also Somerville and Moriwaki (2003), and Giardini et al. (2003)
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