Emergency 01

Emergency 01 : (1) An event, actual or imminent, which endangers or threatens to endanger life, property or the environment, and which requires a significant and coordinated response. (2) Any event which arises internally or from external sources which may adversely affect the safety of persons in a building or the community in general and requires immediate response by the occupants. (3) An unplanned situation arising, through accident or error, in which people and/or property are exposed to potential danger from the hazards of dangerous goods. Such emergencies will normally arise from vehicle accident, spillage or leakage of material or from a fire. (4) In terms of dam operation, any condition which develops unexpectedly, endangers the integrity of the dam or downstream property and life and requires immediate action. See also: Accident, Incident and Disaster. (From: EMA, Australian emergency management glossary/ EMA. 1998. Australian emergency management glossary. (Australian emergency manual). Emergency Management Australia (EMA), Canberra, Australia/ http: //www.ema.gov.au/ema/rwpattach.nsf/viewasattachmentPersonal/A611749DC23E0119CA256C8A000886FF/$file/AEM_GLOSSARY.PDF on 8 July 2004)
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