Emergency Procedures, Plans or Public Safety Information (Section 13-7

Emergency Procedures, Plans or Public Safety Information (Section 13-7 : Current Practices for Emergency Plans): Many organizations are legally required to share prepared emergency and public safety information with the public. For example, the Fire Code requires some property owners to post their procedures for fire related emergencies in public places. These procedures are based on the types of buildings and the number of occupants permitted in them. Many public sector organizations are required, under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, to have publicly shared emergency plans for a variety of events such as outbreaks of influenza and severe weather such as tornadoes and ice storms. In some situations, organizations may not be legally required to share emergency and/or public safety information with the public but may choose to do so. For example, organizations may develop and implement emergency plans for blackouts and share the information with their customers or clients. Others may prepare emergency plans for chemical spills or natural disasters, such as earthquakes or floods. Furthermore, the role of some organizations includes sharing public safety information. Police and fire departments share strategies for public safety and fire prevention with members of their communities. Similarly, medical offices often share public health information with patients
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