Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative

Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative : In December 1990, the United States announced a series of measures -- collectively referred to as the Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative (EPCI) -- to reduce certain proliferation risks. Under the initiative, the U.S. requires licenses for exports of: (a) precursor chemicals that can be used in making chemical weapons and whole chemical plants to make such precursors; (b) potential chemical and biological weapon-related industrial facilities, related designs, technologies, and equipment; and (c) any items to destinations that raise proliferation concerns when the exporter knows, or is informed by the Commerce Department, of such concerns. The initiative also calls for: (d) penalties on U.S. firms and individuals that promote the spread of chemical weapons and missile technology; (e) control lists of (i) dual-use equipment and technologies related to chemical and biological weapons and missiles, and (ii) countries to which exports of such items should be controlled; and (f) multilateral adoption of the initiative's measures
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