Enzyme 4

Enzyme 4 : Chemical substance that while remaining unchanged, helps a chemical reaction to take place. At the end of this reaction, the enzyme can help in other reactions of the same kind. Protein in the body that initiate and accelerate chemical reactions. Digestive enzymes act in the mouth, stomach, and intestines to break down food into simpler compounds usable for producing energy or for building various body substances. In case of enzyme deficiency, digestive enzymes, unlike other kinds, can readily be used by the body when provided by an external source. Alfalfa, Apple, Artichoke (leaves and root), Barley (malt), Carline thistle, Cascara sagrada (bark), Castor bean (oil), Dandelion (root), Papaya, Peppermint, Soybeans, Wood sorrel, Yellow bedstraw, all contain Enzymes
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