Erysipeloid, Fish Handler's Disease

Erysipeloid, Fish Handler's Disease :

An infection caused by erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae that is almost wholly restricted to persons who in their occupation handle infected fish, shellfish, poultry, or meat. Three forms of this condition exist: a mild localised form manifested by local swelling and redness of the skin; a diffuse form that might present with fever; and a rare systemic form associated with endocarditis. Erysipeloid. E. rhusiopathiae can cause an indolent cellulitis, more commonly in individuals who handle fish and raw meat. It gains entry typically by abrasions in the hand. Bacteremia and endocarditis are uncommon but serious sequelae. Due to the rarity of reported human cases, E. rhusiopathiae infections are frequently misidentified at presentation. An OSH glossary used in safety and health at work which is, adopted by ILO

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